10th Abingdon Air & Country Show latest news
Posted By: Colin
Date: 16 Mar 2009 at 08:56
The 10th Abingdon Air & Country Show on May 3rd(at Abingdon airfield,Dalton Barracks,Abingon) is now shaping up quite nicely and the latest news is as detailed below:_
RAF Tutor F/S
RAF Hawk F/S
RAF Chinook F/S
T28 Fennec F/S
Vampire F (Static tbc)
Dukes of Cassutt team F/S
Yak52 F/S
P51 Mustang F/S (replaces Hurribomber after its incident)
RAF Tucano (F/S - not 100% at the moment due to the display practice incident last week - could end up being a Static only).
Army Tigers Parachute Team
DC3 Dakota F/S
Pembroke F/S
+ 1 other tbc
Static / Fly In visitors include:
RAF Merlin tbc
US Army Blackhawk (SHAPE)
Alpi Pioneer
Saro Skeeter
Jet Provost T3
Robinson R44
RAF Grob Vigilant (based 612VGS)
Tiger Moth
& approx another 60 other types...!
Ground displays include Daleks, Dr Who Tardis, Farmers Market, Mobile Farm, Assorted amusements, Army Ground displays (from adjacent barracks), Arena Displays, Vintage Vehicles, Tank Rides,Fiona Harrison 1940s live music & a whole lot more...
AACS is an all-volunteer organised event and NOT to be confused with another event at the samne location which was weather-cancelled two years ago....we are NOT in any way what-so-ever connected to that event and we have NEVER(yet) had to cancel our event,which is held in support of the Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Ambulance CHARITY
Advance tickets for our event are now available at the following rates;-
CHILD(5-15yrs) £4
Senior Citizens £4
FAMILY(2x Adult,2x Child) £22
Advance tickets are available from the following outlets;-
Clothes 4 Work,Broadway,Didcot
Abingdon Info Point,Old Abbey Buildings,Abingdon
Warehouse store,Coxeter's yd,Stratton Way,Abingdon
Wallingford Info Centre,Market Place,Wallingford
...& of course on-line form our own web-site www.abingdonfayre.com
Tickets will be available on the gate,on the day at the following rates;-
CHILD(5-15yrs) £5
Senior Citizen £5
SORRY...Family tickets will ONLY be available in advance
Under-5s have FREE admission and car-parking is also FREE(there will also be a dedicated disabled car-parking facility at no extra cost)
Gates open at 10 o'clock,so come along and enjoy a day with us at this Family Orientated,Community event and help us to keep the Air Ambulance flying